Complete Guide to Robot Vacuum Cleaners: How to Choose, Understand, and Use Them Effectively

Smart Home saugroboter

Vacuum robots have become indispensable helpers in many households. They navigate independently through living spaces, vacuum up dirt, and some even mop the floor. But how do they work, and what should you consider when buying?

1. How Do Vacuum Robots Work?

Vacuum robots use various sensors to orient themselves in the room and detect obstacles. Dust and dirt are collected using brushes and a vacuum system. Many models can be controlled and programmed via an app.


Types of Navigation:

  • Random Navigation: The robot moves randomly through the room.
  • Systematic Navigation: Using laser or camera, the robot maps the room and plans the most efficient route.

2. Advantages and Challenges of Vacuum Robots



  • Time-saving: The robot works while you do other activities.
  • Constant Cleanliness: Regular cleaning ensures ongoing cleanliness.


  • Mobility: Some robots struggle with high carpet edges or cables.
  • Cleaning Performance: Not all models handle all types of dirt equally well.

3. Different Types of Robots Vacuum Cleaners

Robots Vacuum cleaner come in different variants to meet various needs and requirements:

  • Simple Models: Focus on the basic function of vacuuming and often offer random navigation.
  • High-End Models: Feature systematic navigation, app control, room mapping, and sometimes mopping function.
  • Models with Mopping Function: In addition to vacuuming, these models can also mop the floor.
  • Self-Emptying Robots: These models automatically empty their dust container into a base station.


4. Popular Robots Vacuum Cleaner

Some vacuum robots have become particularly popular due to their functionality and reliability:

  • iRobot Roomba Series: Known for their robust construction and efficient cleaning performance.
  • Roborock: Offers a good balance between price and performance, often with an additional mopping function.
  • Eufy RoboVac: Popular for its affordable price and solid cleaning performance. Eufy RoboVac G10 Hybrid

5. Installation and Setup

Setting up a robot vacuum cleaner is usually straightforward:

  • Charging: Ensure the robot is fully charged before first use.
  • App Installation: Download the manufacturer’s app and follow the instructions to connect with the robot.
  • Room Preparation: Remove obstacles and cables from the floor if necessary.
  • Cleaning Schedule: Set up a cleaning schedule via the app if needed.

6. Integration into a Smart Home System

Robots vacuum cleaner can often be integrated into an existing smart home system for additional convenience:

  • Voice Control: Use assistance systems like Alexa or Google Assistant for control.
  • Automation: Link the vacuum robot with other smart home devices, for example, to turn off lights while the robot is working.
  • Remote Control: Control and monitor the robot from afar via smartphone app.

Integration is usually achieved by incorporating the vacuum robot into the respective smart home app and creating appropriate routines or scenes.

7. Criteria for Choosing the Right Robot Vacuum Cleaner

  • Cleaning Performance: Consider suction power, brush type, and container volume.
  • Navigation: Choose between systematic and random navigation.
  • Runtime and Charging Time: Depending on the size of your living area.
  • App Control and Smart Home Integration: For more convenience.

8. Maintenance and Care

  • Emptying the Container: Regular emptying of the dust container is essential.
  • Filter Change: Ensures consistent high suction performance.
  • Brush Cleaning: Remove hair and larger dirt particles.

9. FAQs About Vacuum Robots

  • How loud are vacuum robots? Depending on the model and surface, noise emissions vary between 50 and 70 dB.

  • Can a vacuum robot replace the traditional vacuum cleaner? For basic cleaning and vacuuming under furniture, vacuum robots are ideal, but they cannot completely replace the traditional vacuum cleaner.

  • Are vacuum robots suitable for allergy sufferers? Yes, many models have HEPA filters that reliably capture allergens.

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